Embodied Self-Awareness Through EMDR Therapy

I spent a lifetime stuck in my head – thinking about, analyzing, and feeling distressed over my past and future. Trauma does this to our minds and bodies, leaving us unable to fully live in each moment. EMDR Therapy has given me my life back. With deep internal healing and embodied self-awareness, I can now welcome every emotion, feeling, and physical sensation. I never imagined this was possible – or knew what I was missing. Continue reading “Embodied Self-Awareness Through EMDR Therapy”

Why Do I Smile While I Voice What Feels Painful?

fake smile

Each time I gathered enough courage to put a few raw pieces of my trauma into words, hoping to find support in a friend, my face would freeze into a ridiculous fake smile. How did that happen when I was crying and falling apart just moments earlier? Once I was face to face with another person, something inside me took over and shut down all expression of emotion. Continue reading “Why Do I Smile While I Voice What Feels Painful?”

Why Therapy Takes So Long (Part 2): We Minimize the Impact of Trauma

drowning but ok

I didn’t start therapy to process my trauma. I just wanted a peaceful marriage and not to feel like I was drowning in motherhood and, well…life! I didn’t even know my history could be labeled trauma. It sounded so dramatic! Clearly, my experiences were not worthy of such a heavy description. Continue reading “Why Therapy Takes So Long (Part 2): We Minimize the Impact of Trauma”

The Physical Experience of Working Through Shame and Trauma in Therapy

woman's body

Our brains store the memories of our experiences, but so do our bodies. Processing the many layers of trauma that remained stuck in my mind and body has been a uniquely physical experience, different from anyone else’s. While there is no right or wrong way to experience emotions or process shame and trauma, if you desire deeper healing, it is important to experience the physical qualities of your emotions. They are unique to you. Continue reading “The Physical Experience of Working Through Shame and Trauma in Therapy”

Reconnecting With My Body After Abuse

connecting to my body

Feeling disconnected from my own body and who I am as a person is one of the many frustrating realities rooted in the sexual abuse, assault, and emotional abuse I experienced. It interferes with my ability to connect with other people, to feel experiences physically, to know what I want or need, and of course, it interferes with my sexuality and intimacy. Reconnecting with my body has happened through experiencing trusting relationships and processing my trauma in therapy. To FEEL my own body, know myself, let my soul shine through…this has been the most incredible healing and spiritual experience. Continue reading “Reconnecting With My Body After Abuse”

The Parts Inside Me

We all have parts of us, parts of our mind that formed in childhood…this is normal human development. We all know struggles like: “part of me wants to eat healthy and feel good, but part of me could care less and I’m going to devour this piece of cake right now!” However, when an individual’s nervous system remains overwhelmed due to trauma, these normal parts of our minds become fragmented. They begin to act in extreme ways with complicated and rigid strategies to move through life. The strategies of behavior become patterns that feel vital to our survival. Continue reading “The Parts Inside Me”

Finding Compassion for Social Anxiety

I find myself frequently angry at my body for all the ways it’s still “broken” and even seems to functions separately from my brain. My struggle with social anxiety is a perfect example of this disconnect. Therapy has given me awareness of my internal chaos, and helped me calm this chaos, yet when I want to connect in groups I’m attacked out of nowhere with a racing heart, feeling lightheaded, and I can’t catch my breath. Panic and anxiety continue to disrupt my life in these situations. Continue reading “Finding Compassion for Social Anxiety”

The Clingy and Desperate Ways Trauma Shows Up in Relationships: A Cry for Help


I desperately search for connection – not just friendship, but rather lifelines to pull me out of the trauma my body still lives within. I get consumed with the turmoil inside and it comes out in clingy, needy, desperate thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is a cry for help – a yearning to be rescued by another person – rescued from the desperation, fear, and hopelessness of trauma, even many years later. Continue reading “The Clingy and Desperate Ways Trauma Shows Up in Relationships: A Cry for Help”

We Must Struggle

struggle is necessary

Oh the regrets I have! They are endless. But the biggest one of all is letting my ex know I was pregnant. If I had been brave enough, strong enough, smart enough to realize I could handle life on my own…Oh! How much better our lives would have been! It’s like a vortex my mind gets sucked into all too frequently. I play out the beautiful, peaceful life my baby girl and I would have created. And then I wrestle with God, questioning why we must struggle and endure such pain in this life. Continue reading “We Must Struggle”

The Sexual Harassment Piece of the Story

sexual harassment

Today I did not hide anything; I was seen and heard regardless of whether the honesty felt selfish and dramatic. My struggles are not only with the traumatic events I have focused on in therapy, but rather to the pattern of painful experiences with men. I admitted my shame for whatever it is about me that attracts this attention. It is difficult to use my voice, but I spoke shame and secrets, like the sexual harassment case I brought forward almost 20 years ago. It is a story I kept hidden and minimized, trying to convince myself all these years it was nothing. Yet the guilt that poured forth as I voiced it was overwhelming. Out loud, I questioned why I was “that kind of girl”. It felt stupid and it was a painful question to voice. Continue reading “The Sexual Harassment Piece of the Story”

Being Honest With My Whole Story

being honest with my whole story

I guess I saw each of my difficult experiences as separate stories. When I began therapy, I felt it was best to leave out some of those stories because I was ashamed. I would tackle the biggest, hardest piece, the one that left me with PTSD – the domestic abuse in my first marriage. As I processed much of this, I began piecing together a much bigger picture I could not see before. The other stories are actually not separate at all. Each experience builds on a previous one. Each hard story impacts the next hard story. Learning how traumas become compounded helps me forgive myself and allows for healing to continue only by being honest with my WHOLE story. Continue reading “Being Honest With My Whole Story”

Hope in the Journey

hope in the journey

Therapy is hard! My husband is often frustrated with me. Although I have been in therapy for several months, he says I am more of an emotional mess now than ever before. That I am not taking full advantage of therapy and I should be nearly “better” by now…if I would just stop holding back. I do hold back. It is not my intention and I get angry at myself – especially when I think about the small financial fortune I’m sinking into therapy! It is just so damn hard to be honest when I have held onto secrets for decades! It’s painful. Like a fist fight with a dragon painful. More than finding my finish line, the challenge now is slowing down enough to find hope in the journey. Continue reading “Hope in the Journey”

Exhaustion is a Tool of Brainwashing

Exhaustion is a tool of brainwashing

After nine years with my ex-husband I secretly sought therapy…thinking it would help me be a better wife and mother but knowing he would never allow me to share our private world. My life was unraveling around me and I seemed to be failing at everything. Although my intention was to fix my marriage, within a couple of months my therapist began insisting my husband was severely brainwashing me. She frequently compared me to someone caught in a cult or a war prisoner. The whole concept seemed shocking and ridiculously far-fetched but with a lot more therapy I began to see it too. Continue reading “Exhaustion is a Tool of Brainwashing”

Where Do Trauma Memories Go?

How can I have so much raw pain around brief memories, some of which have almost no details or even an ending? The loss of control over my memory both frightens and frustrates me. Where do trauma memories go? And how can the brief images I have be enough to hijack my body, making me dizzy and taking my breath away? It’s like that with so many of my memories – as if I have had dementia since my 20s. Continue reading “Where Do Trauma Memories Go?”

Can a Painful Dental Visit be a Trauma Trigger?

Nobody can look at me and know my struggle with complex PTSD. Because I choose to stay silent, people don’t associate me with sexual assault, or physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. I choose to keep far from that association even with family and close friends. So how could my dentist know that painful treatment would trigger me and pull me deep into my past? How could a dentist know to treat me any differently? Is there truly even a link? Can a painful dentist appointment be a trauma trigger? Continue reading “Can a Painful Dental Visit be a Trauma Trigger?”

Does PTSD Go Away?

Will I ever be on the other side of this? I am so afraid of the physical reactions in my body that come with memories. Now that I’m finally exploring my past through therapy, I can see better why my brain has allowed me to be numb all of these years. I usually dance close to the memories…just enough for my hands to start shaking and my heart to begin racing…and then I run as far from the past as I can, leaving almost everything unspoken. Continue reading “Does PTSD Go Away?”